AccessFlags - class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags.
AccessFlags(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
AccessFlags(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
AccessFlags(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
AConst_null - class jrre.instructionset.push.AConst_null.
AConst_null() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.AConst_null
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jrre.JRRE
Handles action events fired by button presses and passes them to registered action listeners.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.TextEditor
Handles action event when the Ok button is pressed.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.StackFrameGUI
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.OperandStackGUI
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.JRREGUI
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.ControlGui
Handles action events fired by button presses and passes them to registered action listeners.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.Console
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class jrre.gui.ControlGui
Adds the specified ActionListener to the current collection of objects to notify when a event is fired.
addClass(Class) - Static method in class jrre.MethodArea
addClass(Class) - Method in class jrre.gui.MethodAreaGui
addClass(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.NativeStackFrameGui
addClass(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.NativeMethodAreaGui
addEventListener(VMEventListener) - Method in class jrre.JRRE
addEventListener(VMEventListener) - Method in class jrre.event.VMEventDispatcher
addingClass(String) - Method in class jrre.MethodArea
addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Adds the specified component to the layout, using the specified constraint object.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
addMethod(String) - Static method in class jrre.NativeMethodArea
addObject(ObjectInstance) - Method in class jrre.gui.ObjectAreaGui
addObject(String, ObjectInstance) - Static method in class jrre.ObjectArea
Adds an object to the heap.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jrre.gui.TextEditor
Adds a listener to the collection of classes to notify when a property changes.
addSymbol(int, CPInfo) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.SymbolTable
Adds a symbol to the table based on its index in the constant pool.
addSymbol(int, CPInfo) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
ALoad - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad.
ALoad_0 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_0.
ALoad_0() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_0
ALoad_1 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_1.
ALoad_1() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_1
ALoad_2 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_2.
ALoad_2() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_2
ALoad_3 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_3.
ALoad_3() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_3
ALoad(int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad
ANewArray - class jrre.instructionset.objects.ANewArray.
ANewArray(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.ANewArray
appendMessage(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.Script
AReturn - class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.AReturn.
AReturn() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.AReturn
ArrayInstance - class jrre.ArrayInstance.
ArrayInstance(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.ArrayInstance
ArrayLength - class jrre.instructionset.objects.ArrayLength.
ArrayLength() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.ArrayLength
AStore - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore.
AStore_0 - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_0.
AStore_0() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_0
AStore_1 - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_1.
AStore_1() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_1
AStore_2 - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_2.
AStore_2() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_2
AStore_3 - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_3.
AStore_3() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_3
AStore(int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore
AThrow - class jrre.instructionset.exceptions.AThrow.
AThrow() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.exceptions.AThrow
Attribute - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attribute.
Attribute() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attribute
Attribute(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attribute
attributeLength - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.SourceFileAttribute
attributeLength - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attribute
Attributes - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attributes.
Attributes() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attributes
Attributes(Attribute[]) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attributes


beginExecution() - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Begin/resume execution at the next instruction.
BIPush - class jrre.instructionset.push.BIPush.
BIPush(int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.BIPush
branch(int) - Static method in class jrre.Stack


C_Class - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_Double - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_FieldRef - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_Float - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_Integer - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_InterfaceMethodRef - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_Long - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_MethodRef - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_NameType - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_String - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
C_UTF8 - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
CALoad - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.CALoad.
CALoad() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.CALoad
CAStore - class jrre.instructionset.objects.CAStore.
CAStore() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.CAStore
CharType - class jrre.types.CharType.
CharType() - Constructor for class jrre.types.CharType
CharType(char) - Constructor for class jrre.types.CharType
CheckCast - class jrre.instructionset.typecasting.CheckCast.
CheckCast(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.typecasting.CheckCast
Class - class jrre.api.java.lang.Class.
Representation of a class loaded by the ClassLoader.
Class() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
ClassAccessFlags - class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.ClassAccessFlags.
ClassAccessFlags(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.ClassAccessFlags
ClassLoader - class jrre.classloader.ClassLoader.
file name : ClassLoader.java authors : Christopher Ellsworth (Chris@chrisellsworth.com) Clerance Alston (massclax@hotmail.com) created : 10/31/2002 05:19:12 Loads a class file.
ClassProperties - class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties.
ClassProperties() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
clear() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
clear() - Method in class jrre.OperandStack
clear() - Static method in class jrre.ObjectArea
clear() - Method in class jrre.gui.OperandFrameGui
clear() - Method in class jrre.gui.ObjectAreaGui
clear() - Method in class jrre.gui.NativeStackFrameGui
clear() - Method in class jrre.gui.NativeMethodAreaGui
clear() - Method in class jrre.gui.MethodAreaGui
clear() - Method in class jrre.gui.JavaStackFrameGui
clearStack() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
closeEditor() - Method in class jrre.gui.TextEditor
Closes the editor and notifies any registered action listeners.
Code - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Code.
Contains byte-code from a CodeAttribute in a method info.
Code() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Code
Code(int[]) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Code
CodeAttribute - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.CodeAttribute.
CodeAttribute() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.CodeAttribute
CodeAttribute(int, int, int, int, int, Code, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.CodeAttribute
Console - class jrre.gui.Console.
Console() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.Console
ConstantValueAttribute - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ConstantValueAttribute.
ConstantValueAttribute() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ConstantValueAttribute
ConstantValueAttribute(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ConstantValueAttribute
containsClass(String) - Static method in class jrre.MethodArea
containsMethod(String) - Static method in class jrre.NativeMethodArea
ControlGui - class jrre.gui.ControlGui.
ControlGui() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.ControlGui
ControlPanel - class jrre.gui.ControlPanel.
ControlPanel(int, int, int, int, String[], Console) - Constructor for class jrre.gui.ControlPanel
CPClass - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPClass.
CPClass(int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPClass
CPDouble - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPDouble.
CPDouble(double) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPDouble
CPFieldRef - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFieldRef.
A constant pool field referance.
CPFieldRef(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFieldRef
Constructs the field referance.
CPFloat - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFloat.
CPFloat(float) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFloat
CPInfo - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo.
CPInfo() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
CPInteger - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInteger.
CPInteger(int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInteger
CPInterfaceMethodRef - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInterfaceMethodRef.
CPInterfaceMethodRef(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInterfaceMethodRef
CPLong - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPLong.
CPLong(long) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPLong
CPMethodRef - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPMethodRef.
CPMethodRef(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPMethodRef
CPNameType - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPNameType.
CPNameType(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPNameType
CPString - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPString.
CPString(int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPString
CPUTF8 - class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPUTF8.
CPUTF8(String) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPUTF8


decode(int[]) - Static method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.InstructionDecoder
description - Variable in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
DescriptorDecoder - class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.DescriptorDecoder.
DescriptorDecoder() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.DescriptorDecoder
DMul - class jrre.instructionset.math.DMul.
DMul() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.DMul
doneLoading() - Static method in class jrre.MethodArea
Dup - class jrre.instructionset.push.Dup.
Dup_x1 - class jrre.instructionset.push.Dup_x1.
Dup_x1() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.Dup_x1
Dup() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.Dup


ExceptionAttribute - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionAttribute.
ExceptionAttribute() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionAttribute
ExceptionAttribute(int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionAttribute
ExceptionTable - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionTable.
ExceptionTable() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionTable
ExceptionTable(ExceptionTableEntry[]) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionTable
ExceptionTableEntry - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry.
ExceptionTableEntry() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
ExceptionTableEntry(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
execute() - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Execute the top instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.NoOperation
Executes the nop instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.comparison.LCmp
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.comparison.FCmpl
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.comparison.FCmpg
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpne
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmplt
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmple
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpgt
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpge
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_icmpeq
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_acmpne
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_acmpeq
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifnull
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifnonnull
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifne
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Iflt
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifle
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifgt
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifge
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifeq
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Goto
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.exceptions.AThrow
Executes the athrow instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.ISub
Executes the isub instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IShl
Executes the ineg instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.INeg
Executes the ineg instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IMul
Executes the imul instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IInc
Executes the iinc instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IDiv
Executes the idiv instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IAdd
Executes the IAdd instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.I2F
Executes the i2f instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.FMul
Executes the fmul instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.F2I
Executes the f2i instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.DMul
Executes the dmul instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.Return
Executes the return instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.IReturn
Executes the ireturn instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeVirtual
Executed the invokevirtual instruction on the specified stack frame.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeStatic
Executed the invokestatic instruction on the specified stack frame.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeSpecial
Executed the invokespecial instruction on the specified stack frame.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.AReturn
Executes the areturn instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.PutStatic
Executes the putstatic instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.PutField
Executes the putfield instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.NewArray
Executes the newarray instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.New
Executes the new instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.MonitorExit
Executes the monitorexit instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.MonitorEnter
Executes the monitorenter instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.InstanceOf
Executes the instanceof instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.GetStatic
Executes the getstatic instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.GetField
Executes the getfield instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.CAStore
Executes the castore instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.ArrayLength
Executes the arraylength instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.ANewArray
Executes the anewarray instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.Pop
Executes the pop instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_3
Executes the istore_3 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_2
Executes the istore_2 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_1
Executes the istore instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_0
Executes the istore instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore
Executes the istore instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IAStore
Executes the iastore instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.FStore_2
Executes the fstore_2 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_3
Executes the astore_3 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_2
Executes the astore_2 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_1
Executes the astore_1 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_0
Executes the astore_0 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore
Executes the istore instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.Ldc
Executes the ldc instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.LConst_0
Executes the lconst_0 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_m1
Executes the iconst_m1 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_5
Executes the iconst_5 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_4
Executes the iconst_4 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_3
Executes the iconst_3 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_2
Executes the iconst_2 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_1
Executes the iconst_1 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_0
Executes the iconst_0 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.FConst_0
Executes the fconst_0 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.Dup_x1
Executes the dup_x1 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.Dup
Executes the dup instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.BIPush
Executes the bipush instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.AConst_null
Executes the aconst_null instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_3
Executes the iload_3 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_2
Executes the iload_2 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_1
Executes the iload_1 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_0
Executes the iload_0 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad
Executes the iload operandOne instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.IALoad
Executes the iaload instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.FLoad_2
Executes the fload_2 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.FLoad_0
Executes the fload_0 instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.CALoad
Executes the caload instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_3
Executes the aload instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_2
Executes the aload instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_1
Executes the aload instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_0
Executes the aload instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad
Executes the aload instruction.
execute() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.typecasting.CheckCast
executeClassInitFrame(StackFrame) - Static method in class jrre.Stack


F2I - class jrre.instructionset.math.F2I.
F2I() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.F2I
FCmpg - class jrre.instructionset.comparison.FCmpg.
FCmpg() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.comparison.FCmpg
FCmpl - class jrre.instructionset.comparison.FCmpl.
FCmpl() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.comparison.FCmpl
FConst_0 - class jrre.instructionset.push.FConst_0.
FConst_0() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.FConst_0
FieldAccessFlags - class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.FieldAccessFlags.
FieldAccessFlags(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.FieldAccessFlags
FieldEntry - class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry.
FieldEntry() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
FieldEntry(FieldAccessFlags, int, int, int, ConstantValueAttribute) - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
Fields - class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Fields.
Fields() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Fields
Fields(FieldEntry[]) - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Fields
fireEvent(VMEvent) - Method in class jrre.event.VMEventDispatcher
FLoad_0 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.FLoad_0.
FLoad_0() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.FLoad_0
FLoad_2 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.FLoad_2.
FLoad_2() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.FLoad_2
FloatType - class jrre.types.FloatType.
FloatType(float) - Constructor for class jrre.types.FloatType
FMul - class jrre.instructionset.math.FMul.
FMul() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.FMul
FStore_2 - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.FStore_2.
FStore_2() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.FStore_2


getAbstract() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
getAccessFlags() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
getAttributes() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
getAttributes() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
getAttributesCount() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
getAttributesCount() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
getByteCode() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Code
getClass(String) - Static method in class jrre.NativeMethodArea
getClass(String) - Static method in class jrre.MethodArea
getClassContainingMethod() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Gets the ClassContainingMethod.
getClassContainingMethod() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
getClassData() - Method in class jrre.ObjectInstance
Gets the ClassData.
getClassIndex() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPMethodRef
Gets the ClassIndex.
getClassIndex() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFieldRef
Gets the ClassIndex.
getClassName() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
Gets the ClassName.
getClassPath() - Static method in class jrre.classloader.ClassLoader
Gets the ClassPath.
getCodeAttribute() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attributes
getConstantInitMethod() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
Gets the ConstantInitMethod.
getCurrentInstruction() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
getCurrentInstruction() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
getDescription() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Gets the Description.
getDescriptor() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
getDescriptorIndex() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
getDescriptorIndex() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
getDescriptorIndex() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPNameType
Gets the DescriptorIndex.
getElement(int) - Method in class jrre.ArrayInstance
getElements() - Method in class jrre.ArrayInstance
getExceptionTableLength() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.CodeAttribute
GetField - class jrre.instructionset.objects.GetField.
GetField(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.GetField
getField(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
getField(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Fields
getFieldAccessFlags() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
getFinal() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
getFullyQualifiedName() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
getFullyQualifiedName() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
getGridSize() - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
getGui() - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
getInitMethod() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
Gets the InitMethod.
getInstanceValue(int) - Method in class jrre.ObjectInstance
Gets the data at the linked to the specified descriptor.
getInstructions() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Gets the Instructions.
getInstructions() - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
Gets the Instructions.
getInstructions() - Method in class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent
Gets the Instructions.
getLargestCellSize(Container, boolean) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Algorithm for calculating the largest minimum or preferred cell size.
getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Returns the alignment along the x axis.
getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Returns the alignment along the y axis.
getLayoutSize(Container, boolean) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Algorithm for calculating layout size (minimum or preferred).
getLength() - Method in class jrre.ArrayInstance
getLength() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Gets the Length.
getLoadingMessages() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
Gets the LoadingMessages.
getLocalVariable(int) - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
getLocalVariable(int) - Static method in class jrre.Stack
getLocalVariable(int) - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
getLocalVariable(int) - Method in class jrre.LocalVariableFrame
getLocalVariableCount() - Method in class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent
Gets the LocalVariableCount.
getLocalVariableEntryCount() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableAttributeTable
Gets the LocalVariableEntryCount.
getLocalVariables() - Method in class jrre.LocalVariableFrame
Gets the LocalVariables.
getLocalVariableSize() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Gets the LocalVariableSize.
getLocalVariableSize() - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
Gets the LocalVariableSize.
getLocalVariableTable() - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
Gets the LocalVariableTable.
getMagicNumber() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
getMajorVersion() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Gets the MaxStackSize.
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent
Gets the MaxStackSize.
getMessages() - Method in class jrre.classloader.ClassLoader
Gets the contents of the buffer of runtime messages from the classloader.
getMethod(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
getMethod(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Methods
getMethod(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
getMethod(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Methods
getMethodAccessFlags() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
getMethodName() - Method in class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent
Gets the Name.
getMethodTypes(String) - Static method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.DescriptorDecoder
getMinorVersion() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
getName() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
getName() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
getName() - Method in class jrre.event.PushOperandEvent
Gets the Name.
getName() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Gets the Name.
getNameIndex() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
getNameIndex() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
getNameIndex() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPNameType
Gets the NameIndex.
getNameIndex() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPClass
getNameType() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFieldRef
Gets the NameType.
getNameTypeIndex() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPMethodRef
Gets the NameTypeIndex.
getNameTypeIndex() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFieldRef
getNextFrame() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
getNextFrame() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
Adds a listener to the collection of classes to notify when a property changes.
getNextInstruction() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
getNextInstruction() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
getNextInstruction() - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
Sets the ByteCode.
getNextInstruction() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Gets the NextInstruction.
getObject(String) - Static method in class jrre.ObjectArea
Gets an object referance from the heap.
getOperand() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad
Gets the Operand.
getOperandStack() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Gets the OperandStack.
getParameterCount() - Static method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.DescriptorDecoder
getPrevInstruction() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
getPrevInstruction() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
getPrevInstruction() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Gets the PrevInstruction.
getPreviousFrame() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Gets the PreviousFrame.
getProperties() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
getPublic() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
getResource() - Method in class jrre.gui.TextEditor
Gets the resource that is currently being edited.
getReturnValue() - Method in class jrre.event.PopStackFrameEvent
Gets the ReturnValue.
getRootClass() - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Gets the RootClass.
getRunAtLoad() - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
getSize() - Method in class jrre.LocalVariableFrame
Gets the Size.
getSize() - Method in class jrre.ArrayInstance
getSize() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.SymbolTable
getSize() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Methods
getSize() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Fields
getStackFrame() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
getStackFrame() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.CodeAttribute
getStackPointer() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
Gets the StackPointer.
GetStatic - class jrre.instructionset.objects.GetStatic.
GetStatic(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.GetStatic
getStaticMemberValue(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
getStepCount() - Method in class jrre.gui.ControlGui
getString() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
getSuperClass() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
getSymbol(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.SymbolTable
Gets a symbol from the table based its key into the constant pool.
getSymbol(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
getSymbolTableSize() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
getTag() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
getText() - Method in class jrre.gui.TextEditor
Gets the text currently in the editor.
getThisClass() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
getUsage() - Static method in class jrre.Main
Gets the usage message for the command line use.
getUTF8Index() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPString
getValue() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPUTF8
getValue() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInteger
Gets the Value.
getValue() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFloat
Gets the Value.
getValue() - Method in class jrre.event.PushOperandEvent
Gets the Value.
getValue() - Method in class jrre.types.StringType
Gets the Value.
getValue() - Method in class jrre.types.ReferenceType
Gets the Value.
getValue() - Method in class jrre.types.PrimitiveType
Gets the Value.
getValue() - Method in class jrre.types.FloatType
Gets the Value.
getValue() - Method in class jrre.types.CharType
Gets the Value.
getVerbose() - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Gets the Verbose mode.
Goto - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Goto.
Goto(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Goto
GraphPaperLayout - class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout.
The GraphPaperLayout class is a layout manager that lays out a container's components in a rectangular grid, similar to GridLayout.
GraphPaperLayout() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Creates a graph paper layout with a default of a 1 x 1 graph, with no vertical or horizontal padding.
GraphPaperLayout(Dimension) - Constructor for class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Creates a graph paper layout with the given grid size, with no vertical or horizontal padding.
GraphPaperLayout(Dimension, int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Creates a graph paper layout with the given grid size and padding.
guiOn() - Static method in class jrre.JRRE


halt() - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Halt execution.


I2F - class jrre.instructionset.math.I2F.
I2F() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.I2F
IAdd - class jrre.instructionset.math.IAdd.
IAdd() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.IAdd
IALoad - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.IALoad.
IALoad() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.IALoad
IAStore - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IAStore.
IAStore() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IAStore
IConst_0 - class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_0.
IConst_0() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_0
IConst_1 - class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_1.
IConst_1() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_1
IConst_2 - class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_2.
IConst_2() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_2
IConst_3 - class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_3.
IConst_3() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_3
IConst_4 - class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_4.
IConst_4() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_4
IConst_5 - class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_5.
IConst_5() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_5
IConst_m1 - class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_m1.
IConst_m1() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_m1
IDiv - class jrre.instructionset.math.IDiv.
IDiv() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.IDiv
If_acmpeq - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_acmpeq.
If_acmpeq(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_acmpeq
If_acmpne - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_acmpne.
If_acmpne(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_acmpne
If_icmpeq - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_icmpeq.
If_icmpeq(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_icmpeq
If_Icmpge - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpge.
If_Icmpge(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpge
If_Icmpgt - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpgt.
If_Icmpgt(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpgt
If_Icmple - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmple.
If_Icmple(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmple
If_Icmplt - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmplt.
If_Icmplt(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmplt
If_Icmpne - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpne.
If_Icmpne(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpne
Ifeq - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifeq.
Ifeq(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifeq
Ifge - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifge.
Ifge(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifge
Ifgt - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifgt.
Ifgt(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifgt
Ifle - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifle.
Ifle(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifle
Iflt - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Iflt.
Iflt(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Iflt
Ifne - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifne.
Ifne(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifne
Ifnonnull - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifnonnull.
Ifnonnull(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifnonnull
Ifnull - class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifnull.
Ifnull(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifnull
IInc - class jrre.instructionset.math.IInc.
IInc(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.IInc
ILoad - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad.
ILoad_0 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_0.
ILoad_0() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_0
ILoad_1 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_1.
ILoad_1() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_1
ILoad_2 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_2.
ILoad_2() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_2
ILoad_3 - class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_3.
ILoad_3() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_3
ILoad(int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad
IMul - class jrre.instructionset.math.IMul.
IMul() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.IMul
INeg - class jrre.instructionset.math.INeg.
INeg() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.INeg
initTableSize(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
InstanceOf - class jrre.instructionset.objects.InstanceOf.
instanceOf() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
InstanceOf(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.InstanceOf
Instruction - class jrre.instructionset.Instruction.
Instruction() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
InstructionDecoder - class jrre.classloader.classfile.InstructionDecoder.
InstructionDecoder() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.InstructionDecoder
Interfaces - class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Interfaces.
Interfaces(int[]) - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Interfaces
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
invokeMethod(String, Object[]) - Method in class jrre.nativesystem.NativeMethodTable
InvokeSpecial - class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeSpecial.
Represents and contains execution tasks for the invokespecial instruction.
InvokeSpecial(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeSpecial
InvokeStatic - class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeStatic.
Represents and contains execution tasks for the invokespecial instruction.
InvokeStatic(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeStatic
InvokeVirtual - class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeVirtual.
Represents and contains execution tasks for the invokespecial instruction.
InvokeVirtual(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeVirtual
IReturn - class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.IReturn.
IReturn() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.IReturn
isAbstract - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
isFinal - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.FieldAccessFlags
isFinal - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
IShl - class jrre.instructionset.math.IShl.
IShl() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.IShl
isNative() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.MethodAccessFlags
isPrivate - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
isProtected - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
isPublic - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
isStatic - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
IStore - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore.
IStore_0 - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_0.
IStore_0() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_0
IStore_1 - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_1.
IStore_1() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_1
IStore_2 - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_2.
IStore_2() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_2
IStore_3 - class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_3.
IStore_3() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_3
IStore(int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore
isTransient - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.FieldAccessFlags
ISub - class jrre.instructionset.math.ISub.
ISub() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.math.ISub
isVolatile - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.FieldAccessFlags


JavaStackFrameGui - class jrre.gui.JavaStackFrameGui.
JavaStackFrameGui() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.JavaStackFrameGui
jrre - package jrre
JRRE - class jrre.JRRE.
The Java Reasearch Runtime Enviroments virtual machine implementation.
jrre.api.java.io - package jrre.api.java.io
jrre.api.java.lang - package jrre.api.java.lang
jrre.api.java.lang.reflect - package jrre.api.java.lang.reflect
jrre.classloader - package jrre.classloader
jrre.classloader.classfile - package jrre.classloader.classfile
jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags - package jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags
jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes - package jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes
jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries - package jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries
jrre.event - package jrre.event
jrre.gui - package jrre.gui
jrre.instructionset - package jrre.instructionset
jrre.instructionset.comparison - package jrre.instructionset.comparison
jrre.instructionset.controlflow - package jrre.instructionset.controlflow
jrre.instructionset.exceptions - package jrre.instructionset.exceptions
jrre.instructionset.math - package jrre.instructionset.math
jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation - package jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation
jrre.instructionset.objects - package jrre.instructionset.objects
jrre.instructionset.pop - package jrre.instructionset.pop
jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable - package jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable
jrre.instructionset.push - package jrre.instructionset.push
jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables - package jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables
jrre.instructionset.typecasting - package jrre.instructionset.typecasting
jrre.nativesystem - package jrre.nativesystem
jrre.types - package jrre.types
JRRE(String) - Constructor for class jrre.JRRE
Initialises the runtime enviroment, loads the class specified, and begin's execution of its init method.
JRREGUI - class jrre.gui.JRREGUI.
JRREGUI() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.JRREGUI


layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Lays out the container in the specified container.
LCmp - class jrre.instructionset.comparison.LCmp.
LCmp() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.comparison.LCmp
LConst_0 - class jrre.instructionset.push.LConst_0.
LConst_0() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.LConst_0
Ldc - class jrre.instructionset.push.Ldc.
Ldc(int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.push.Ldc
length - Variable in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
load(Class) - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Initialises the enviroment, loads the class specified and any classes it referanced, and begins execution of its init method.
loadClass(String) - Static method in class jrre.classloader.ClassLoader
LocalVariableAttributeTable - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableAttributeTable.
LocalVariableAttributeTable() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableAttributeTable
LocalVariableAttributeTable(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableAttributeTable
LocalVariableEntry - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableEntry.
LocalVariableEntry() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableEntry
LocalVariableEntry(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableEntry
LocalVariableFrame - class jrre.LocalVariableFrame.
For containing the local variables in a stack frame.
LocalVariableFrame() - Constructor for class jrre.LocalVariableFrame
LocalVariables[size] should be calculated.


Main - class jrre.Main.
Main class used to run the Java Research Runtime Enviroment.
Main() - Constructor for class jrre.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class jrre.Main
Loads the JRRE from the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jrre.gui.ControlPanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class jrre.gui.Console
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Returns the maximum size of this component.
MethodAccessFlags - class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.MethodAccessFlags.
MethodAccessFlags(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.MethodAccessFlags
MethodArea - class jrre.MethodArea.
MethodArea() - Constructor for class jrre.MethodArea
MethodAreaGui - class jrre.gui.MethodAreaGui.
MethodAreaGui() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.MethodAreaGui
MethodEntry - class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry.
MethodEntry() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
MethodEntry(MethodAccessFlags, int, int, int, Attributes) - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
Methods - class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Methods.
Methods() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Methods
Methods(MethodEntry[]) - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Methods
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
MonitorEnter - class jrre.instructionset.objects.MonitorEnter.
MonitorEnter() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.MonitorEnter
MonitorExit - class jrre.instructionset.objects.MonitorExit.
MonitorExit() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.MonitorExit


name - Variable in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
nameIndex - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.SourceFileAttribute
nameIndex - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attribute
NativeMethodArea - class jrre.NativeMethodArea.
NativeMethodArea() - Constructor for class jrre.NativeMethodArea
NativeMethodAreaGui - class jrre.gui.NativeMethodAreaGui.
NativeMethodAreaGui() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.NativeMethodAreaGui
NativeMethodTable - class jrre.nativesystem.NativeMethodTable.
NativeMethodTable() - Constructor for class jrre.nativesystem.NativeMethodTable
NativeStackFrame - class jrre.NativeStackFrame.
NativeStackFrame() - Constructor for class jrre.NativeStackFrame
NativeStackFrameGui - class jrre.gui.NativeStackFrameGui.
NativeStackFrameGui() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.NativeStackFrameGui
New - class jrre.instructionset.objects.New.
New(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.New
NewArray - class jrre.instructionset.objects.NewArray.
NewArray(int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.NewArray
nextInstruction - Variable in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
NoOperation - class jrre.instructionset.NoOperation.
NoOperation() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.NoOperation
NoOperation(String) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.NoOperation
NullReference - class jrre.types.NullReference.
NullReference() - Constructor for class jrre.types.NullReference


Object - class jrre.api.java.lang.Object.
Object implementation for the JRRE system.
Object() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.Object
ObjectArea - class jrre.ObjectArea.
Structure for containing the all of the instansiated objects in the enviroment.
ObjectArea() - Constructor for class jrre.ObjectArea
ObjectAreaGui - class jrre.gui.ObjectAreaGui.
ObjectAreaGui() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.ObjectAreaGui
ObjectInstance - class jrre.ObjectInstance.
Object implementation for the JRRE system.
ObjectInstance(int) - Constructor for class jrre.ObjectInstance
Constructs the object with the number of fields that it will have to store the value's of.
OperandFrameGui - class jrre.gui.OperandFrameGui.
OperandFrameGui() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.OperandFrameGui
OperandStack - class jrre.OperandStack.
OperandStack() - Constructor for class jrre.OperandStack
OperandStackEvent - class jrre.event.OperandStackEvent.
OperandStackEvent() - Constructor for class jrre.event.OperandStackEvent
operandStackGUI - Variable in class jrre.gui.StackFrameGUI
OperandStackGUI - class jrre.gui.OperandStackGUI.
OperandStackGUI(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.gui.OperandStackGUI
out - Static variable in class jrre.api.java.lang.System
OutputStream - class jrre.api.java.io.OutputStream.
OutputStream() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.io.OutputStream


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class jrre.gui.Script
pause() - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Pop - class jrre.instructionset.pop.Pop.
pop() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
pop() - Method in class jrre.OperandStack
pop() - Method in class jrre.gui.OperandFrameGui
pop() - Static method in class jrre.gui.JavaStackFrameGui
Pop() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.pop.Pop
popFrame() - Static method in class jrre.gui.OperandFrameGui
popOperand() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
popOperand() - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
PopOperandEvent - class jrre.event.PopOperandEvent.
PopOperandEvent() - Constructor for class jrre.event.PopOperandEvent
popReturn(Type) - Static method in class jrre.Stack
PopStackFrameEvent - class jrre.event.PopStackFrameEvent.
PopStackFrameEvent(String) - Constructor for class jrre.event.PopStackFrameEvent
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
prevInstruction - Variable in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
PrimitiveType - class jrre.types.PrimitiveType.
PrimitiveType(int) - Constructor for class jrre.types.PrimitiveType
print(char) - Method in class jrre.api.java.io.OutputStream
print(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.io.OutputStream
print(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.io.OutputStream
println(char) - Method in class jrre.api.java.io.OutputStream
println(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.io.OutputStream
println(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.io.OutputStream
processEvent(VMEvent) - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jrre.JRRE
Handles action events fired by button presses and passes them to registered action listeners.
push(StackFrame, String) - Static method in class jrre.Stack
push(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.OperandFrameGui
push(String) - Static method in class jrre.gui.JavaStackFrameGui
push(Type) - Method in class jrre.OperandStack
pushFrame(String) - Static method in class jrre.gui.OperandFrameGui
pushInitial(StackFrame, String) - Static method in class jrre.Stack
pushOperand(Type) - Static method in class jrre.Stack
pushOperand(Type) - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
PushOperandEvent - class jrre.event.PushOperandEvent.
PushOperandEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class jrre.event.PushOperandEvent
Construct the event with the Object that fired the event, the operands name, and its value.
PushStackFrameEvent - class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent.
PushStackFrameEvent(String, int, int, Instruction) - Constructor for class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent
PutField - class jrre.instructionset.objects.PutField.
PutField(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.PutField
PutStatic - class jrre.instructionset.objects.PutStatic.
PutStatic(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.objects.PutStatic


readClassFromJar(String, String) - Static method in class jrre.classloader.ClassLoader
receiveEvent(VMEvent) - Method in interface jrre.event.VMEventListener
receiveEvent(VMEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.StackFrameGUI
receiveEvent(VMEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.OperandStackGUI
receiveEvent(VMEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.JRREGUI
ReferenceType - class jrre.types.ReferenceType.
ReferenceType(ObjectInstance) - Constructor for class jrre.types.ReferenceType
refresh() - Method in class jrre.gui.MethodAreaGui
registerClassNatives(String) - Method in class jrre.nativesystem.NativeMethodTable
removeClass(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.NativeStackFrameGui
removeClass(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.NativeMethodAreaGui
removeClass(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.MethodAreaGui
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
removeObject(CPInfo) - Method in class jrre.ObjectArea
Removes an object from the heap.
removeObject(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.ObjectAreaGui
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jrre.gui.TextEditor
Removes a listener to the collection of classes to notify when a property changes.
reportMessage(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.Console
restoreLastInstruction() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
restoreLastInstruction() - Static method in class jrre.Stack
Return - class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.Return.
Return() - Constructor for class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.Return
run() - Method in class jrre.JRRE
run() - Method in class jrre.gui.JRREGUI
Runtime - class jrre.api.java.lang.Runtime.
Runtime() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.Runtime


sc - Variable in class jrre.gui.Script
script - Variable in class jrre.gui.Script
Script - class jrre.gui.Script.
Script(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.gui.Script
setAbstract(boolean) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
setAccessFlags(AccessFlags) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
setAttributes(Attribute[]) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attributes
setAttributesLength(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ConstantValueAttribute
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class jrre.gui.ControlPanel
setClassContainingMethod(Class) - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Sets the ClassContainingMethod.
setClassData(Class) - Method in class jrre.ObjectInstance
Sets the ClassData.
setClassIndex(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPMethodRef
Sets the ClassIndex.
setClassIndex(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFieldRef
Sets the ClassIndex.
setClassName(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
Sets the ClassName.
setClassPath(String) - Static method in class jrre.classloader.ClassLoader
Sets the ClassPath.
setConstantInitMethod(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
Sets the ConstantInitMethod.
setConstantValueIndex(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ConstantValueAttribute
setConstraints(Component, Rectangle) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
setDescription(String) - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Sets the Description.
setDescriptor(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
setDescriptorIndex(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPNameType
Sets the DescriptorIndex.
setElement(int, Type) - Method in class jrre.ArrayInstance
setExceptionTable(ExceptionTable) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.CodeAttribute
setFields(Fields) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
setFinal(boolean) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
setGridSize(Dimension) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Set the size of the graph paper in logical units (n x m)
setGridSize(int, int) - Method in class jrre.gui.GraphPaperLayout
Set the size of the graph paper in logical units (n x m)
setGui(boolean) - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Sets the Gui.
setInitMethod(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
Sets the InitMethod.
setInstanceValue(int, Type) - Method in class jrre.ObjectInstance
Sets a value to the instance data at the index specified.
setInstructions(Instruction) - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Sets the Instructions.
setInstructions(Instruction) - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
Sets the Instructions.
setInstructions(Instruction) - Method in class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent
Sets the Instructions.
setInterfaces(Interfaces) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
setLength(int) - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Sets the Length.
setLoadingMessages(StringBuffer) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
Sets the LoadingMessages.
setLocalVariable(int, Type) - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
setLocalVariable(int, Type) - Static method in class jrre.Stack
setLocalVariable(int, Type) - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
setLocalVariable(int, Type) - Method in class jrre.LocalVariableFrame
setLocalVariableAttributeTable(LocalVariableAttributeTable) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.CodeAttribute
setLocalVariableCount(int) - Method in class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent
Sets the LocalVariableCount.
setLocalVariableEntries(LocalVariableEntry[]) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableAttributeTable
setLocalVariableEntryCount(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableAttributeTable
Sets the LocalVariableEntryCount.
setLocalVariables(Type[]) - Method in class jrre.LocalVariableFrame
Sets the LocalVariables.
setLocalVariableSize(int) - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Sets the LocalVariableSize.
setLocalVariableSize(int) - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
Sets the LocalVariableSize.
setLocalVariableTable(LocalVariableAttributeTable) - Method in class jrre.NativeStackFrame
Sets the LocalVariableTable.
setMagicNumber(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
setMajorVersion(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Sets the MaxStackSize.
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent
Sets the MaxStackSize.
setMethodName(String) - Method in class jrre.event.PushStackFrameEvent
Sets the Name.
setMethods(Methods) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
setMinorVersion(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
setName(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
setName(String) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
setName(String) - Method in class jrre.event.PushOperandEvent
Sets the Name.
setName(String) - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Sets the Name.
setNameIndex(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ConstantValueAttribute
setNameIndex(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPNameType
Sets the NameIndex.
setNameType(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFieldRef
Sets the NameType.
setNameTypeIndex(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPMethodRef
Sets the NameTypeIndex.
setNextFrame(StackFrame) - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
setNextFrame(StackFrame) - Static method in class jrre.Stack
setNextInstruction(Instruction) - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Sets the NextInstruction.
setOperand(int) - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad
Sets the Operand.
setOperandStack(OperandStack) - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Sets the OperandStack.
setPrevInstruction(Instruction) - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
Sets the PrevInstruction.
setPreviousFrame(StackFrame) - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
Sets the PreviousFrame.
setProperties(ClassProperties) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
setPublic(boolean) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
setResource(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.TextEditor
Sets the resource to be edited.
setReturnValue(String) - Method in class jrre.event.PopStackFrameEvent
Sets the ReturnValue.
setRootClass(Class) - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Sets the RootClass.
setRunAtLoad(boolean) - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
setSize(int) - Method in class jrre.LocalVariableFrame
Sets the Size.
setSize(int) - Method in class jrre.ArrayInstance
setStackPointer(StackFrame) - Static method in class jrre.Stack
Sets the StackPointer.
setStaticMemberValue(String, Type) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
setSuperClass(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
setTag(byte) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
setText(String) - Method in class jrre.gui.TextEditor
Sets the text to display in the editor.
setThisClass(int) - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
setValue(char) - Method in class jrre.types.CharType
Sets the Value.
setValue(float) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFloat
Sets the Value.
setValue(float) - Method in class jrre.types.FloatType
Sets the Value.
setValue(int) - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInteger
Sets the Value.
setValue(int) - Method in class jrre.types.PrimitiveType
Sets the Value.
setValue(ObjectInstance) - Method in class jrre.types.ReferenceType
Sets the Value.
setValue(String) - Method in class jrre.event.PushOperandEvent
Sets the Value.
setValue(String) - Method in class jrre.types.StringType
Sets the Value.
setValues(Type[]) - Method in class jrre.ArrayInstance
setVerbose(boolean) - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Sets the Verbose mode.
SourceFileAttribute - class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.SourceFileAttribute.
SourceFileAttribute() - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.SourceFileAttribute
SourceFileAttribute(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.SourceFileAttribute
sourceFileIndex - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.SourceFileAttribute
Stack - class jrre.Stack.
Stack() - Constructor for class jrre.Stack
StackFrame - class jrre.StackFrame.
StackFrame() - Constructor for class jrre.StackFrame
StackFrameGUI - class jrre.gui.StackFrameGUI.
StackFrameGUI(int, int) - Constructor for class jrre.gui.StackFrameGUI
step(int) - Static method in class jrre.JRRE
Step to the next instruction.
StringType - class jrre.types.StringType.
StringType(String) - Constructor for class jrre.types.StringType
SymbolTable - class jrre.api.java.lang.SymbolTable.
SymbolTable() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.SymbolTable
Default constructor for the symbol table.
SymbolTable(int) - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.SymbolTable
Constructs the symbol table with the maximum number of entries it will need to have.
System - class jrre.api.java.lang.System.
System() - Constructor for class jrre.api.java.lang.System


tag - Variable in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
TextEditor - class jrre.gui.TextEditor.
General purpose text editor.
TextEditor() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.TextEditor
Constructor for the text editor.
toString() - Method in class jrre.StackFrame
toString() - Method in class jrre.ObjectInstance
toString() - Method in class jrre.ArrayInstance
toString() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.SymbolTable
toString() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.Class
toString() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Methods
toString() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.MethodEntry
toString() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Interfaces
toString() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.Fields
toString() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.FieldEntry
toString() - Method in class jrre.api.java.lang.reflect.ClassProperties
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.MethodAccessFlags
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.FieldAccessFlags
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.ClassAccessFlags
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.access_flags.AccessFlags
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.SourceFileAttribute
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableEntry
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.LocalVariableAttributeTable
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionTable
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ExceptionAttribute
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.ConstantValueAttribute
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.CodeAttribute
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Code
Gets a string representation of the byte-code.
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.attributes.Attributes
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPUTF8
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPString
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPNameType
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPMethodRef
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPLong
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInterfaceMethodRef
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInteger
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPInfo
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFloat
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPFieldRef
Gets the string representation of this field referance.
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPDouble
toString() - Method in class jrre.classloader.classfile.pool_entries.CPClass
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.NoOperation
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.Instruction
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.comparison.LCmp
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.comparison.FCmpl
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.comparison.FCmpg
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpne
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmplt
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmple
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpgt
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_Icmpge
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_icmpeq
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_acmpne
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.If_acmpeq
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifnull
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifnonnull
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifne
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Iflt
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifle
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifgt
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifge
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Ifeq
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.controlflow.Goto
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.exceptions.AThrow
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.ISub
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IShl
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.INeg
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IMul
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IInc
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IDiv
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.IAdd
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.I2F
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.FMul
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.F2I
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.math.DMul
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.Return
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.IReturn
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeVirtual
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeStatic
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.InvokeSpecial
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.methodinvocation.AReturn
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.PutStatic
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.PutField
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.NewArray
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.New
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.MonitorExit
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.MonitorEnter
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.InstanceOf
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.GetStatic
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.GetField
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.CAStore
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.ArrayLength
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.objects.ANewArray
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.Pop
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_3
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_2
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_1
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore_0
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IStore
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.IAStore
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.FStore_2
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_3
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_2
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_1
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore_0
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.pop.localvariable.AStore
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.Ldc
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.LConst_0
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_m1
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_5
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_4
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_3
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_2
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_1
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.IConst_0
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.FConst_0
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.Dup_x1
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.Dup
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.BIPush
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.AConst_null
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_3
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_2
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_1
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad_0
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ILoad
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.IALoad
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.FLoad_2
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.FLoad_0
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.CALoad
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_3
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_2
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_1
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad_0
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.push.localvariables.ALoad
toString() - Method in class jrre.instructionset.typecasting.CheckCast
toString() - Method in class jrre.types.StringType
toString() - Method in class jrre.types.ReferenceType
toString() - Method in class jrre.types.PrimitiveType
toString() - Method in class jrre.types.FloatType
toString() - Method in class jrre.types.CharType
Type - class jrre.types.Type.
Type() - Constructor for class jrre.types.Type


verboseOn - Static variable in class jrre.classloader.ClassLoader
VMEvent - class jrre.event.VMEvent.
VMEvent() - Constructor for class jrre.event.VMEvent
VMEventDispatcher - class jrre.event.VMEventDispatcher.
VMEventDispatcher() - Constructor for class jrre.event.VMEventDispatcher
VMEventListener - interface jrre.event.VMEventListener.


windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class jrre.gui.WindowDestroyer
WindowDestroyer - class jrre.gui.WindowDestroyer.
WindowDestroyer() - Constructor for class jrre.gui.WindowDestroyer


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